Thursday, May 6, 2010

Impressions of Macbeth so far... Act 1, sc 1-4

What do you think so far?

Post your ideas.


brandonbryant said...

I thought this is an interesting story . I like how Macbeth thinks of ways to get into his place as the king . But shows his greed , he is trying to make the phophet happen , while Banqo just is letting his prophet happen . If tht was me i would do what Banqo is doing and just let what will happen happen .
- brandon bryant , period 2

donna said...

I thought that what we read today was okay, I expected more from it, for it to be more exciting and dramatic, but i think that that will probably happen soon. Commenting on what Brandon said about letting things happen, I think that I would try to make things happen even if a prophet told me it would happen anyway unless I didn't want it to happen. I also expected the story to be romantic and something about a love triangle or something like that, but I guess not.

-Donna Wylie

ALAN said...

its typical beginnings of literature. the concept of placing the events of a story in a difficult society is prevalent in many works of literature. Often, a harsh society in literature can be the foundation for the struggles a certain character has to go through.
i could predict how the story is going to blssom. agreeing with brandon, macbeth tries to make prophet happen...and it doesnt go his way and it blows up in his face.

Unknown said...

so far its interesting. I think going over it in the beginning and talking about it prepared me for the reading. I like the creativity that Shakespeare has. Im kind of excited to continue reading on monday.

Brent Owens said...

I like the story so far. The story talks about what fate is. Bonqo is not trying to change his fate and is just going with the flow, while Macbeth is trying to change what happens in his future.

maggie todaro said...

I really didn't know there was so much action in the play. Definitely not what I expected [in a good way]. I'm really interested and want to learn more about it. The text is really suspenseful, and I appreciate that.

-Maggie Todaro

Michelle Xia said...

Honestly, when I heard we were reading the book Macbeth, I wasn't all that excited because it sounded boring but, I was wrong.

I thought that the first Act was actually really good. In the beginning, when Macbeth was described as a brave and honest person, however, I realized that after the three witches told him that he would be king, his true personality came about. It was interesting how differently he acts especially his wife, Lady Macbeth.After she found out about the news, she would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to be Queen. I'm really looking forward to continue reading...! (:

-Michelle Xia

Alexandria Barry said...

I thought this was a really interesting story. I like how Macbeth would always try to find ways to become king. But at first the book wasn't really what I thought it would be,like fighting from the begging to the end. But all the ways Macbeth tryed to become king showed that he was a selfish and greddy man. He could have just waited on faith and see if it was meant to be for him to be king. But what caused this whole problem were the witches because they would pretty much egg him on to do other crazier things.
-Alexandria Barry