Friday, May 14, 2010

Act 2 study guide

  1. Whose sleep has been tormented by "cursed thoughts"? Why?
  2. What is Macbeth's "dagger of the mind" vision? Explain what he sees and what he decides at the end of this soliloquy.
  3. What help Lady Macbeth back from killing the king herself?
  4. What is Macbeth's state after the murder? Use Quotes
  5. Why does she insult Macbeth yet again?
  6. How does the porter answer the door? What is the significance of this line? What is this scene meant to do?
  7. Who is at the door and how is the murder realized?
  8. How does Macbeth explain the murder of the chamberlains?
  9. Where do Duncan's sons go? and Why?
  10. Who does Macduff suspect the murderer to be? how do you know?
  11. The storms and bizarre circumstances that accompany the witches' appearances and Duncan's murder are more than mere atmospheric disturbances. Explain.

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