Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Part 1 of the Odyssey - homework questions due on Monday, 11/23

The following questions should be answered in YOUR NOTEBOOKS -

Thinking about the selection we read in class today:

1.What is your first impression of Odysseus? Which of his qualities do you admire and why?
2. Describe the events on Ismarus. What lessons can be learned?
3. What significant role does his home play in Odysseus' epic journey? Where is home?
4. How do Calypso and Circe keep Odysseus from readching home?  What were his feelings like when he was with them?
5. What happens to the men who eat the Lotuses?  What does this suggest about Odysseus's relationship with his men?
*****6. In what ways is the world of the Odyssey similar to today's world? In what ways is it different?


Raisa B. said...

The world of Odyssey is similar to today's world because it is full of adventure, love, passion, obstacles, bravery, and revenge, which are things everyone can relate to. Odysseus experiences things that many humans have experienced, as well. That includes fights, different emotions, etc.

It is different in comparison to real life because it contains mythological creatures that don't exist in real life, like the monsters Odysseus battles.

Cameron Reese said...

The world today and the story of the Odyssey is related to our time because people try and do the same things as Odysseus tried in doing. Love, Power, and others. Many people in history have tried to do these things. Some have failed some have succeeded.

brenttttt said...

the story of Odysseus is related to the modern day because we face the same types of things that Odysseus did on his journey home. we all face violence and temptations in our lives and Odysseus . we all go through struggles in life and face ups and downs.
by the way, who is cameron reese??

Anastasia Ioannou said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to today's world because everyday people struggle with difficult situations, such as love, war, family, people etc. Odysseus is struggling with problems (trying to get home after war) real people today might have to do through as well.

The world of the Odyssey is different from today's world because we do not have mythological creatures and gods who hate us, trying to make our lives difficult.

maggie todaro said...

The Odyssey has alot of elements that are human, and are therefore relatable. Odysseus faces many of the same obstacles that people face every day. War, love, family, troubles, and personal flaws are only some of them. It's different from today's world because there is an element of fantasy. As we know supernatural powers don't exist, so the powers that the Gods have don't apply in modern society. Although I'm not sure what Odysseus' power/ability is thus far, it will probably be something that is impossible to have.

Brianna Rosenberg said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to today's world because they face everyday struggles and situations such as love, war, and family. Like in the story, they had to face temptations and had to resist them in order to find their way home.

The world of the Odyssey is different than real life because there are no mythical creatures or monsters, or people with super natural abilities.

angela said...

In my opinion Odysseus world is different than our world, since this is mythology there are many characteristics that Odysseus has and we dont.
His world was full of adventure, love and family like ours is.Our world is full of these elements also. Odysseus obviously loves his family and he wants to go home after the war, something that humans do, we always miss our homes and their's no place like home.

monicaaa S. (: said...

In the Odyssey, Odysseus faces many problems that people encounter in today's society, including love, war, family, loss and temptation. We all go through these struggles. Odysseus struggles to remain faithful to his wife Penelope while under a spell from the enchanted goddess who loves him. Today, many spouses are caught cheating with their husband/wife.

The world of Odyssey is different from today's world because we have the knowledge to know that these supernatural powers that these Greek Gods possess don't exist. Our world today does not contain mythological creatures.

Anonymous said...

What makes this myth like our world today is that odysseus has many human like features, like love, temptations etc.The only thing that is diffrent from our world and that myth world is that there are monsters in that world.

joseph Ebiotu period 2

*btw cameron reese is dave w. period 2*

Nick Cinturati said...

The World of Odyssey is similar to today's world because we still go through violence, difficult situations, and the same things that Odysseus went through on his journey home like different emotions he felt. There are other things that were in the World of Odyssey that we still share today like obstacles, and bravery to overcome those obstacles.

biancaj1.com said...
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biancaj1.com said...

The World of Odyssey is similar to today's world because we still have to deal with situations`where the first time we may feel like someone or something is missing in our lives but really we had what we wanted all along but we just didnt realize it until we went through hardships or long journeys so to speak like the one in the book odyssey. And we have to fight temptations everyday.

But the world in odyssey is also different because there are no mythical creatures in the real world, and we dont have supernatural abilities.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is similar to today's world because we face situations everyday. Some of the situations that we face are love, war, bravery, people, revenge, etc. In the Odyssey, Odyssey was facing problems. He was trying to go back to his home.

The world of Odyssey is different because there are no mythical creatures in our world. People also don't have any type of power like in the Odyssey.

By: Stephanie Lizzul
Period 1

Alexandria Barry said...

The Odyssey is similar to todays world because many people have to face different situations such as love,war,revenge etc. Also Odyssey was trying to find his way home after the war like many people today.

The world of Odyssey is different because there are no monsters in this world. Also people dont have special powers.

Alexandria barry
Period 1

Victoria Eng said...

The Odyssey is similar to today's world in many ways like love, obstacles, temptations etc. The only difference in the Odyssey compared to real life is all the mystical creatures and the powers that they have.

Jenna S. said...

First off, the world of Odyssey shares several mutual characteristics when compared to today's world; as continuous struggle occurs through the eyes of many presently, various issues occurring in the world of Odyssey become applicable to "bad" things humans face on a daily basis. Topics such as love, devotion, and struggle within Odyssey compare to issues occurring presently; for instance, War in Iraq - on a daily basis, soldiers fight for our country, constantly facing hardship/struggle against the "opposing side." As for Odysseus, finding constant struggle with the "opposing side" he comes to face. Although, Odysseus continues his ambitious strive to reach for his wife, "loyal" Penelope, at home. As for current soldiers, powerfully trying to end the present war; as the constant urge of reuniting with their family, becomes more of a "reality," each day - although, being faced with new issues/battles time and time again on a daily basis, as well.

As for contrasting differences, as other classmates have mentioned, we do not have mythological creatures. In addition, the idea of "supernatural/god like" qualities amongst creatures are not applicable to today's world.

Mary Bella Torosyan said...

Odysseus faces alot of problems as we, everyday people deal with. Like wars, troubles with things at school and at home, love, our families, work, and a lot more. But its also different from today's world because there is alot of supernatural things that take place in the story. The powers that Gods have, such as Odysseus has, dont exist in todays world.

Anonymous said...

The world of the Odysey is a lot like todays world in that we have temptations that may take control of us and can effect us to do great good and great evil. A good example of this is when you want something and your parents say no. If you really want that thing the temptations will takeover your life and control you until you get it. The same temptation is in the Odysey. Odysseus wants to go home and see Penelope and his son so badly that he would do anything really to get there. The way that the Odysey world is different is that it is an epic poem where there are mythical creatures. We really dont have the "mythical creatures" but they might take shape as an animal or a feeling we have such as fear and or want. If humanity learns from the mistakes and messages of epic stories such as the Odysey then the earth might learn to not make those mistakes again. History repeats itself without knowledge.

AV said...

The world of The Odysey is like our world today in many ways. First of all, in the Odysey, there was a hint of temtation between Odysseus and Calypso when she enchanted him; besides the enchanting, that type of stuff still happens today, humans get tempted, and then follow their temtation instead of following what they think is right. Another thing that was similar between our worlds was that in The Odysseus' men were doing some very bad things, like killing sheep, when they were drunk. When people drink alchohol today, a similar reaction occurs as we just blow our minds.

The Odysey is different from our world today because there was interference with some mystical creatures in the book, and there were "spells" being placed on Odysseus. That stuff really dosen't happen in modern times; we can tell stories about them, but I don't fly around on Pegasus.

Andrew Villa Period 8

donna.wylie said...

In the Odyssey there are elements in the story that we can relate to in today's Life. For example I think when many people are growing up and leaving their parents and they struggle with dealing with not having their parents around or doing things for them, and start to think when will they ever find a lifestyle as good as living at home.
But, on the contrary someone in todays world would go like apartment shopping and not go on a long journey on a sailboat, like Odysseus. And as all the other blog posts mentioned we do not have living Gods and Goddess' in today's world that have power like Odysseus.

Maria said...

The world of the odyssey is similar to todays world by we battle problems everyday and adventures happen all the time. You also find love and passion and you go on to live your own life. The differences are that mythical creatures don't exist.

Unknown said...

The world of Odyssey is similar to today's world because there are many obstacles which people face everyday as well as love which many seek. There is also a long journey to find ones way to home, where as home can symbolize just the right place and settlement, which is what many people do look for once they have left their families. They look for where they belong in the world which is similar the world of Odyssey. There is also death which relates to us because in our world people are murdered as well.

Alex Bao said...

The world of Odyssey is similar to the world we live in because the characteristics shown by Odyssey characters is very similar to the characteristics we portray. For example we face love, hatred, desires, pain, all the time in our world. I also agree with Avi that temptations bring the worse out of you, because you are willing to do anything to get what you desire. In the Odyssey, Odysseus and his men went with their temptations rather than their morals; they killed, raped, and stole, to compensate their lost.
The Odyssey is also different from our world as well because we do not live in a world with monsters, witches, and powerful gods that can control someone's fate.

Johannna. H said...

The world of The Odyssey is similar to today's world because Odysseus as a person goes through many obstacles that we today also are encountered with throughout our lives. Similar problems with love, family, war, hatred, pain,etc.
The world of The Odyssey is also different because it doesn't contain the mythological creatures that are played as characters.

PS. I was absent on Friday so this is based on what I read on Thursday.

arifa said...

its similar because we all face obstacles and have to try and resist temptation but its different because theres no mythical creatures or gods that purposely create obstacles

danielle said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to today's world because Odysseus experiences always having something hold him back from reaching his main goal. Whenever he's a step closer to what he wants, something gets in his way. It is different from today's world because the obstacles Odysseus faces in The Odyssey are brought on by mythical powers. For example, when he begins sailing home from the Trojan War, Poseidon (God of the sea) makes a storm wreck Odysseus' ship.

Unknown said...

The world of the Oddyssey is very similar to todays world because Oddeseus faces obsticles in his journey to acomplish his goals. In life and in this world there are swo many things that could stop you from finishing your goal but in the end you have to think about why your doing it. In the Oddyssey, Oddeseus was stopped twice by temptation but in the end thought about his goal and why he wanted to finish it; he wanted to be home. In the world today the obsticles you could face is illness, money, love, ect.

Josephine C. said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to our world today because everyday people struggle with difficult situations, such as love, war, family,and social meetings. Odysseus is struggling with problems liek trying to get home safely after war, and many people today might have to do through as well, especially with whats going on in Iraq, and Afghanastan.

The world of the Odyssey is different from today's world because we do not have mythological gods or creatures who put fourth these obstacles toward us,and don't like us.

BrittanyB said...

The world of Odyssey is much similar to our today's society, to me because every single day each and everyone of us is facing different emotions & situations which can turn into dilemma's. Whether It's loving someone, going into war & leaving the war, missing your family or having family trauma's, or just social problems in general. I think in this book Odysseus faced just about all those hardships, & so have we.

--Brittany Blakes

Sara Touzard said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to today's world because it shows what people are going through everyday like love, jealousy, war, frienship, stuggles of family life, and the loss of a loved one. It also shows that we are still growing as people and taking advice from someone who has experience in life. Another similarity is that we still blame God for the bad things that happen to us in life. The ways that are differnt than the Odyssey is that humans don't have supernatural powers and can't change our appearances in a second or fly like the wind.

hernan said...

In the story of the Odyssey it relates to our world alot. Odyssyus faces things like love, hardships and temptation. Also another topic we face today is substance abuse. In life we try to achieve a certain goal and along the road a lot of things try to break us down. Along Odysseyus's journey he goes through things we would go through like the temptations when the woman made him fall in love with her, also it shows there a bad influences who you think are "friends" like his men who killed and raped Women.

This is different from the world we live in Today because we dont face all this magical stuff. We dont have Gods or anyone with supernatural ability

Gabrielle R said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to today's world because everyone has to deal with the struggle of daily conflicts that include, war, family, and love. Odysseus has to face situations and obstacles that relate to our world such as finding is way back home for battle.

On the other hand the Odyssey is different from today's world because we do not have gods and goddesses that contorl different aspects of earth. Obstacles that come toward us are made from man, not like these where they control the sea,wind, etc.

Marc said...

The Odyssey seams to realate to the "real world" a lot because the US is fighting two wars. Just like Odyssyus, many soliders are comming home from a long time at war, and they all really want to see their familys. Now this is similar to Odyssyus becasue he to is heading home from war and want's to see his family. Now this is where the similaritys end. Odyssyus can not get home because he causes the gods to get mad at him. Where in the real world, their are no mythical gods that get angry at us.

stefani greenstein said...

I think the odyssey is related to the real world alot because everyone struggles in life an it includes family ,war and love.
Also the odyssey is very different from today because we dont have gods or godesses that cotnrol the world in different ways .

THEBOSS said...

The world of Odyssyus is similar to our world in many things such as war, love, and family. Odyssyus faces war and battle through out the begining of the epic poem. The US is at war at this instant against not only 1 but many countrys. We are at war against Iraq, Afganistan and are disliked by countrys ruled by communist governments such as Venezuela. Just like how we have soldiers dieing, Odyssyus does to. Not only does he get in one battle but right after that one he has another. We can relate to that as well as when his soldiers were going to eat the sweet plant that made them want to stay and forget about there home i can relate to this, just like in our country we have people bringing new religions and new doctrines and beliefs to change people and to have people going against what the government teaches us.

-Christian Segura

sophia said...

The world of the Odyssey are similar to our world because the Odyssey is a story about personal battles, love, tamptation, determination, and war. Our world is not filled with gods/goddesses that control our fates, but we still go through similar emotions and through similar experiences. People deal with family issues, loss, war, and many other aspects of life that also take place in the Odyssey. Our world doesn't have an epic hero that can defeat and conquer all, but we can still relate to the personal battles and feelings that the epic hero goes through.

Isabela said...

The odyssey is a little similar to todays form of writing. In the odyssey odyseous is on a boat on his way home from war, and he suffers through difficulatly getting home. He also faces love, war, and battle. Which is similar to todays form of writing.
The odyssey is also different from todays world because, in the odysey there are mystical cretures, and impossible events that happen only in fantasy books.

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents said...

The world of the Odeyssey is quite similar to our world. The challenges and problems that are in this story are things we face in everyday life; battles/war, love, lust, hardships, and many more things.

Along with these similarities, there are also many differences. We do not have gods and goddesses on earth that control certain things such as the sea, wind, etc.

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents said...

that was angelina ^

Opal said...

In what ways is the world of the Odyssey similar to today's world? In what ways is it different?

Odyssey is similar to the today's world because it's a life of harsh cycle of obsticals and Odysseus goes through alot of harsh obsticles that effect him through this journey. the differences is sort of odvious there ae many people that believe that there is such god as Zues and some people do. I believe there is only one and only one god so... theres a difference.

Janet said...

The world of Odyssey is similar to our world because we face the same things, such as, love, war, and difficulties.

But, there are some differences as well. We don't have gods or goddesses. We also don't have mystical creatures or any supernatural powers.

Amanda Brandell said...

The world of the Odyssey is similar to our world because this story deals with similar things that we deal with today. We all deal with love, battle, determination and other things. We dont look up to the gods/godesses for answers, but we do look to our peers and our parents to help guide us or give us advice. We can relate to what Odysseus feels, but it may not be through war and encountering a cyclopse, but it could be through fights with friends or family members and it could feel like a battle is being faught. In the end, someone wins.

adogirl said...

The reason "The Odyssey" is similar to our world is because that there are obstacles and many elements of life that prevent us from achieveing some of our goals. Us as humans however have the ability to preservere and work to the best of our ability and strength to reach that goal.
For example Odysseus 's love for his family and home land keeps him going in order to get home
A real life situation would that my strengh keeps me willing to get up early in the morning to go to school :)
* I am srry this is so late :/

Edina Kay said...

In the ways that the world is similar to Odysseus is that we have leaders in this world who are trying to help other people from doing the wrong thing, and being brave. In the ways that the world is different to Odysseus is that they had supernatural power to help them overcomes their obstacles, and in this world we don't have that; we either make the right choice or wrong choice and face consequences; good or bad.

Michelle Xia said...

The book Odysseus is relatable to the way people deal with things such as love, hardships, war, and other events that happen to us. Sadly, we don't have powers to deal with the problems we have like Odysseus. We have to actually deal with results of our actions.

-Michelle Xia


The world of Odyssey is similar to todays world because it is full of journeys wit obstacles, & passion which can be compared to anybody. Except of course of all the myths & fairy tale creatures in the Odyssey

Lauren said...

The world of the Odyssey is simliar to our world today, for many different reasons. Everyday people are struggling with their problems, and flaws. Odysseus contains many human characteristics. Also, today people suffer from so may things such as war, love, hardships, determination etc. In the Odyssey Odysseus goes through such struggles and hardships on his way home from war. Also, he looks to the gods and goddesses to help guide him, but we look to our parents and friends for advice. The reason is is different is because the Odyssey contains fantasy. In our life we do not have mystical creatures and powers. Also, unlike Odysseus we don't have his poers to help us deal with our problems that we have come to face.

Gabby.Yan said...

Odysseus's world is similar to ours today for many reasons. There is war, there are obstacles, and there are solutions. Odysseus is just like any other person; going through a jorney to achieve their goal and facig problems along the way. Vaguely this is just like anyone else. Right now my "journey" is writing this blog post, the "goal" is the finish it,a nd my "obstacle" is that I am trying to think of good comparisons and good things to say. Ha ha. :) He is also helped and held back by the gods and goddesses which is kind of like any authority power in today's society. I'm sorry this isn't very specific but, honestly, it's kind of difficult to compare a world with cyclopses and magic and other mythical creatures with our world.

robin o. said...

The odysseus's world is similar to ours today because of many similarities. Odysseus goes through a journey, faces problems, set goals, falls in love, has a family, resists tempation. The average person goes through all of this as well, weather its someone who loses their job because of the economy and faces those challenges, or someone like my cousin who is pregnant and is trying to baby proof everything. Or simply teenage "love" and heartbreak. No matter how old or young you are youc an connect to Odysseus in some way.

Rosemarie W said...

The world of "The Odyssey" is similar to the world we live in because they are faced with some of the same struggles we are faced with. Odysseus is forced to overcome many challenges that most people have to as well, just in a smaller proportion. For example, although people are not tempted with actual snakes they still must face temptation. People may also be asked to complete a journey, although the entire fate of an empire probably would not be in their hands.

Brianna Hungerford said...

The world of "The Odyssey" is similar to the world we live in today because many people are still faced with the same obstacles and issues. Some of these obstacles are war, peace, love, family troubles and personal problems. All of these conflicts from that time are able to relate to those of today with the exception of some characteristics throughout the story. Some of the differences include all of the mystical creatures/spirits Odysseus encounters and the sort of outrageous journeys he sets out on which wouldn't be done by anyone today.

chris903 said...

Odysseus' world is similar to ours in a few ways. Theres violence in the story, and of there's still alot of violence now, and it occurs everyday, everywhere. There is true love in the story, and people find true love now. The stuff that occurs in the story can't occur now, because there isn't any cyclopes now, or any creatures like that. Theres no gods, like zeus, or apollo, and there's no underworld that people go to for guidance.

-Chris Cinturati pd.8

Mike D. said...

The world of the odyssey is similar to those of the real world. There is tales of love, violance, temtation and determination which can be found throught the modern world.

A way that it is different how ever are the beasts or monsters being portrayed in the odyssey. Some of the creatures many have a few similar traits to animals living today, but nothing in at all comparess to the creatures being described in the odyssey.

Shannon Doran said...

The world of dysseus is similar to today's world because of the hardships he has to go threw. Like fights, love, sadness, wars. All these things are happening now in todays world.

But it is different because in most of the battles he is batlling creatures that don't exsist.

annaLee Lee said...

Odysseus's world is similar to the world as we now it because they both have many elements that are similar, such as the ideas of love, jealousy, and temptation.
They are different because in our world, we don't go through the exact problems Odysseus faces, such as battles with gods and cyclops.