Friday, October 23, 2009

Brainstorming for you 2 voices project

As you are all in a frenzy about what to do with project....

Start here -

Think about the many voices you use in a day -
How do you talk to your friends? peers on a team? close friends? aquaintances? parents? authority figures?

Do you act differently at school? on a playground? on a team? at work?

Do you struggle with ideas and work hard to reconcile some of your inner beliefs with the ones you outwardly address?

Do you write poetry? Do you have a hard time expressing yourself?

Do a personal survey of a day... who do you interact with? how do you interact with those people?

For example:
My day I start out as "mommy" - we will call this voice number 1
then I come to school and I am "Ms. Sackstein"
then I may talk on the phone with my mom and I am "daughter"
then I hang out with my friends and I'm just "Starr" - with different friends, I am different levels of such... etc.

Each one of the above people encompassed in me, have varying degrees of intensity... which level and/or situation do I want to portray?

I can do a monologue or a class lecture as a podcast or I can do a lesson with Logan while I help him with his homework...
or I can do a conversation with my mom
or maybe I can read a piece of my poetry.

For my written piece, I was thinking of exploring the conflict of the different lives I lead...
I could do a journal entry, or a poem, or a memoir or a news article or opinion piece... etc.

I hope this helps some of you get started... remember this assignment is due finished on 11/9.  I would like to see drafts with the finished product...

You can always ask for help... make a conference if you want one.  Contact me via email at

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