Monday, June 7, 2010

Movie vs Play - please answer the following question in an email to me at

How has Roman Polanski interpreted what happened in Shakespeare's play? Give specific examples of what Polanski changed for the benefit of a movie goer.

Make sure you make specific reference to today's viewing - Act 2-Act 3 (middle)
Please do NOT post your answer on the blog

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Macbeth re-do due Monday, 6/7

You will need to send me via email a proposal of what you plan to do by Thursday 6/3 at 3pm (NO LATER) If I receive the proposal late, you will not be granted permission to proceed.

It will need to have specific information about what you plan to do, what it will show you know and what standards you will be meeting... (you may even recommend a rubric based on those standards and if it is out of 100 or out of 4 or 6)

If you commit to the new assignment, it will take the place of the test - YOU DO NOT GET TO CHOOSE THE BETTER GRADE.

You must get the finished project to me by Monday, 6/7 at 3 pm. Failute to do so will result in a grade of 0 (zero).

Show me what you know in a manner that suits you best. I'm looking forward to what you all come up with.