Monday, June 7, 2010

Movie vs Play - please answer the following question in an email to me at

How has Roman Polanski interpreted what happened in Shakespeare's play? Give specific examples of what Polanski changed for the benefit of a movie goer.

Make sure you make specific reference to today's viewing - Act 2-Act 3 (middle)
Please do NOT post your answer on the blog

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Macbeth re-do due Monday, 6/7

You will need to send me via email a proposal of what you plan to do by Thursday 6/3 at 3pm (NO LATER) If I receive the proposal late, you will not be granted permission to proceed.

It will need to have specific information about what you plan to do, what it will show you know and what standards you will be meeting... (you may even recommend a rubric based on those standards and if it is out of 100 or out of 4 or 6)

If you commit to the new assignment, it will take the place of the test - YOU DO NOT GET TO CHOOSE THE BETTER GRADE.

You must get the finished project to me by Monday, 6/7 at 3 pm. Failute to do so will result in a grade of 0 (zero).

Show me what you know in a manner that suits you best. I'm looking forward to what you all come up with.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Macbeth test on Friday 5/28 (this week)

If you will not be here Friday for the test, please see me prior to the test to make alternative arrangements.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Act 5 - notes - review (scs 1-4)

Act 5, sc i - Duncinane - the King's castle
Lady Macbeth incriminates herself in the various murders as she sleepwalks at night.  She tries desperately in sleep to wash her hands clean of the bloody "spots".  The doctor tells the gentlewoman that there is nothing he can do to cure her as she is not physically sick... she needs spiritual help to clean her conscience.

Act 5, sc ii - The country near Birnam Wood
The English army is gathering... growing strong.  They are not afraid of Macbeth and are resolved in their purpose to over throw him.  They call him a "tyrant" and discuss that his army only fights because they are commanded to and not because they  passionate about their job.

Act 5, sc iii -Duncinane
Macbeth starts to faulter and tries to convince himself that he has nothing to fear... but he is clearly trying to hold onto the prophecy of no woman born of man will hurt Macbeth... He questions Malcolm's strength.  He sits in the castle getting armed and ready for battle.  He doesn't want any person is afraid fighting on his behalf.  He tells the doctor to cure Lady Macbeth of what ails her mind. The doctor then says no amount of money will ever bring him back to the castle.

Act 5, sc iv - Country near Birnam Wood
The English army grows stronger... they plan a sneak attack hiding in the shadows so that Macbeth won't know how many people await him.  Shakespeare builds suspsense by shifting settings back and forth showing what each side is doing.  The attack is imminent.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Final Macbeth exam is on Friday, May 28th

Next Friday you will have a test in class... Make sure to come prepared with a pen.

If you miss the test for whatever reason, a makeup exam (that is different from the class exam) will be given upon your return to class.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting in your work

If you are having difficulties accessing google docs, please send me your assignments (reflections and/or news articles) via word attachment or as an email.

Please don't use the website as an excuse.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Act 4 study guide

Act 4, sc i
  1. Note how many ways the number 3 is used in this supernatural scene.  List the ways - what is the significance?
  2. Describe the first apparition.  What is the message?
  3. Describe the second apparition. What is the message? What does Macbeth decide to do? Note: Macduff's mother was dead when he was born, thus he is not considered "of woman born"
  4. Describe the third apparition.  What is its message?
  5. What does Macbeth finally ask of the witches? What is their initial response - before bringing on the line of kings?
  6. Upon viewing the lineage of Banquo, what does Macbeth Lastly request? (121)
  7. What news does Lennox bring to Macbeth?
  8. What is meant by "from this moment/the very firstling of my heart shall be/ the firstling of my hand..."
  9. What does Macbeth plan to do? (147-151)
Act 4, sc ii
  1. Why is Lady Macduff angry at her husband?
  2. Why does the son know his father is still alive?
  3. What is most horrible about the impending murders of Lady Macduff and her son? How does the messenger heighten this concept?
  4. How does this scene end? What is the dramatic effect?
Act 4, sc iii
  1. In their conversation, find the line: a) Malcolm does not trust Macduff b)Malcolm questions why Macduff would leave his family c) Malcolm explains he may prove to be WORSE, more despotic than Macbeth d)List that which Malcolm explains he might do were he to become king (This is to test Macduff's allegiance) e) What is Macduff's response - that earns him Malcom's trust? (cite ln and ln #s)
  2. List the King becoming graces as stated by Malcolm (90-94).
  3. What help has Siward (General from England) supplied Malcolm in his plan to retake the throne of Scotland?
  4. What news is brought to Macduff by Ross? Why does Macduff feel responsible?
  5. What revenge does Malcolm suggest? Paraphrase and write the original line with proper citation
  6. What does Malcolm swear to do?